
Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Top Reasons Why Bloggers Fails

I have been around for some month now and since then I have witness a lot of failures in the blogging world, i also was a victim before my eyes were open to some things that actually led to the failures.

I never realized until after a  period. Luckily, you can make your own learning curve shorter by taking advantage of the great tips from my experience and association with other professional bloggers.

so here are the few common reasons that led to failures in blogging

1. Blogging with the wrong mindset: one of the most popular reason why many people out there fail in blogger is their mindset about what blogging is about. people see blogging as a way a of making money. yes they are right. but they forget what blogging actually is .the fun part of it and the passion to share your knowledge to the world. they wish to get rich overnight which is impossible. its a gradual process that requires your sacrifice and patience.

Here’s the lesson I’m driving at; there is no such thing as overnight success. It’s simple; since you can’t even get rich quick with a conventional business, the same principle applies to blogging or any form of internet marketing.

2. believe in it

Doubting everything is also as bad as believing everything, especially when it comes to making money online. one of the things vital things and ingredient that guarantee success is your belief, you should also ‘sample’ what to believe as this would help you to be a successful blogger.

what am saying is this; don’t confuse yourself with all the bulk of information going on over the internet. sieve what you should read, believe them and act on it.

3. they are being myopic{short sighted about the future}

If you are only concerned with short term benefit, you will soon quit from blogging. The most successful bloggers today are those who have patiently groomed their blog with their mind set on the future rewards. So, it took some them several of years to start reaping meaningful benefits from their blog. So, if you put in your best now in view of what the future holds for you, you will become an famous and successful blogger eventually as you always wish.
4. Lack of focus

This is possibly the common problem for those who come to the internet to look for a way to solve their financial problems. Of course, I was once like that  in my early blogging days. If you are not focused on a particular niche and dedicate every of your  efforts towards it, you will end up being ‘Jack of all trade and master of none eventually.

Becoming a successful blogger requires carefully choosing something you are passionate about,or love doing and would not quit even if it seems the result it ought to show is not coming up . So, in the blogging world, the rule of winning is to start with just a blog in your specialized area or what you know you can do, and grow the blog to success before thinking of adding another niche and blog.

5. You are Not Marketing Your Blog Sufficiently

You might have  a good content, but if you lack marketing expertise or experience your blog might not excel. Excellent marketing strategy is what gives  your contents  values and bring the needed outcome. So, start thinking more like a marketer in order to succeed in blogging.
:. You are not paying close  Attention to your blog Your Content
Many of the bloggers are always  always somuch concerned about generating traffic only. As good as these efforts are, paying close attention to your content is palpably the most important. When you offer valuable, good and relevant contents, traffic will naturally flow and higher  will follow  through your blog.
6. You are not concerned with what your Audience needs:

Many bloggers out there are not concerned about their audiences- what they want or they needed to get from him, all they cares about is getting traffic and earning from the blog. not knowing that"service first then payment follow''. so that why many of the bloggers create contents which his or her audience does not need.
If you felt there is something am not adding, you are free to add them below in the comment box................

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