
Saturday, 4 February 2017

How to set Up a Static Front Page on Wordpress

Some individuals get in touch with me saying they’re disappointed that their home-page looks just like a home page. The one way you can get it fixed is by making your home-page “static”.

When talking about "A Static page" it is a webpage that doesn’t change at all (not dynamic). Compared with your blog, where the first new posted articles will show at the top always. Every time someone comes to the site, a “static” web page only display one same  post  – like a home-page you’ve developed and designed.

Here's how to set up a static front page:

Dash over to Settings ==> Reading and choose the page (static page) in which you've already got designed is that next issue.

“Front Page” of your web site means your website home-page, “Posts page” is that very first web post of your blog (if your whole web post isn’t a blog).

If you don’t select a static web page on your own, WordPress will take your newest post and begin to display them on the home-page of your website.

Editing sidebar

Almost all of the WordPress themes have a sidebar on the right part (in some instances it’s on the left).

If really you would love to get rid of the sidebar or delete items you don't need. Items like “Meta” , “Categories” and “Archives”, which are usually useless, here’s how:

  • Go to “Appearance then to Widgets” in the WordPress Dashboard.
  • From here, you can make use of the drag and drop to add different “boxes” to your sidebar, or you just delete the ones you don’t want.

There’s also a “HTML box” – a written text box where you can use HTML rule. For newbies, don’t be worried about this bit – just move and fall the sun and rain you’d like in your sidebar.

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