
Friday 24 February 2017

Few Ways To Make Your Blog Popular

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It has been a while that I have been working on my blog and every time I publish something, I got new ideas. so today I am going to recap some of what I have posted in the past. I have posted on the importance of blogs and how to generate traffic, so today am going share you some common ways you can make your blog popular and unique in the crowd.some have been posted before that's why am doing a recap on them and bear it in mind that these ways are easy to implement and they always work for every blog.
Making one's blog popular is a dream of blogger. but it, not something you can do overnight, and if you are a new to blogging and you are hardworking and love to learn, I believe you are on your way to success. 
There are a lot of ways to move your blog up to the next level but make sure you understand fully what you are up against. 
 So  I am going to be listing out few killer ways you can get your blog popular in short period of time.


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I have posted something like this before. This is really very important and that is why I mention it first. Every blog should have an outstanding design, design matters everyone is always attracted to something that is unique and eye-catching. When someone visits your blog, the designs gives them the first impression and this always determines the amount of time the spend on your blog.  sincerely, if your blog has a crappy look, I am not going to visit it. Even if I visit it accidently, I won't spend a few seconds before I dash out of the site.why?? it's not appealing
take a look at this blog. How cool is it?  I am sure you can also setup something similar or better. ''Practice makes perfection'' so keep surfing and trying out a new layout, designs, and navigation and focus on creating the best user experience for your audience.
There are a lot of decent templates you can find online. 


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Almost all blogs you will come across these days accept guest posts. Popular blogs like john show, ProBlogger, Shoemoney, etc; Now give new bloggers a chance to get noticed through guest post blogging.This is a great opportunity and you miss it. Note, You can’t just post anything you want but it must be related to their niche and you have to prove your worth.Just a blog post on any of these popular blogs can earn you a huge amount of traffic.
Here is a way you can find blogs that accept guest post. You can browse them out on google.
Publishing guest posts is a very amazing way to get noticed and drive huge traffic to your blog. 


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Always having fresh and new content is the major key to your blog success. Don't just blog once a week and expect people to come in every day. Your reader is thirsty for information and they always hope to see something valuable and new on your blog often. Sometimes you might b e busy and have days when you don’t feel like blogging, it's alright. If blogging is truly your passion, you will manage to find a time to post, it natural.
 Search engines detect how often you blog and more often you post to your blog, the better it gets. Of course, unless you follow a different blogging technique such as Glen at viper chill who has 1 – 3 posts per month. Glen has the unique style of creating blog posts. Almost all of his posts go above the 4000-word limit and if you carefully notice,. And as a result, viper chill gets 10 times more traffic than most other blogs combined in the similar niche. Viperchill is the proof that quality content matters over quantity of posts.
Whatever style you want to use, make sure your content is unique, because, at the end that is what matters.


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Facebook pages are really growing nowadays. you can check your facebook account now and tell me how many invitations you have gotten to like a page, I bet it's going to be many. Create a facebook page for your blog and start sharing it with a lot of facebook users all over the world. when you are requesting people to join your blog, make sure you don't spam, it always really irritating. 
You can also set up your blog’s RSS Feed on the Page, so that you readers can check out your posts, without visiting your blog.

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